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Sign up for a free 14-day Lumion Pro trial:
Complete access to all the latest features and content
Compatible with all major CAD software
Works for any project: residential, commercial, interior, landscape, urban, and more
Tutorials to help you get started
Expert technical and customer support
No credit card required to sign up
Free for 14 days
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Curious how the free trial works?
As a 3D rendering software, Lumion requires an up-to-date Windows 10 64-bit or newer computer with a fast graphics card, ample memory, and stable internet connection. Please make sure to check our system requirements before requesting a trial to ensure you have the best experience.
Some additional resources you might find helpful:
Lumion is not officially supported on Mac computers. We strongly advise running Lumion on Windows PCs as they typically can be configured with more powerful hardware than Macs, which is needed for rendering faster and more efficiently. For more information about running Lumion on a Mac, please read this support article.
Lumion is compatible with all major CAD and 3D modeling software. Here's a complete overview.
Plus, with the free Lumion LiveSync plug-in, you can also create a real-time connection with your favorite CAD software that allows you to model and render at the same time and drive faster design decisions. This means that whenever you make changes to your 3D model, they will seamlessly be reflected in Lumion.
Lumion LiveSync is available for Sketchup, Revit, Archicad, Rhino, AutoCAD, Allplan, BricsCAD, Vectorworks, and many more.
As a student, you can take advantage of a free Lumion Pro Student license for one full year. You can easily renew it as long as you are a student.
Please note projects created with the Lumion trial cannot be opened in the Lumion Student version.
You can install the same trial license key on multiple computers, however you won’t be able to run the Lumion trial on more than one computer at a given time.
Complete compatibility
Model and render in real-time with Lumion LiveSync.
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